Car Share: Lifts to the Event
Save Some Money .. and the Environment

If you wish to offer a lift or require a lift to the event, please email the following details to
  • Your Name & email address/phone number
  • O/R "Offered" or "Required" - An example could be something like "Penrith, Cumbria - 16.00 Friday"

If you provide an email address or phone number it will be assumed that you are happy for it to be listed here. In due course we will display a table of information below so that you can locate others who are interested in offering/receiving lifts.

PLEASE CONTACT US WHEN YOU ARE FIXED UP SO THAT WE CAN REMOVE YOU FROM THE LIST. Then you won't be pestered!  Best of luck to all who are offering or requesting lifts to the LAMM.

O = Offered, R = Required





Everyone is fixed up


Route planning above Loch Duich

The clouds over mid camp

Racing together - the spirit of the event

Lowe Alpine Mourne Mountain Marathon