2001 Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon took
place on 16th/17th June and was based
at Moy on the SW corner of Loch Laggan,
hosted by Ardverikie Estate. The event
was attended by almost 500 pairs. On Saturday
morning buses carried competitors on the
D and Novice courses to their start at
Kinloch Laggan. The Elite, A, B and C
courses were taken by bus to Tulloch Station.
The Jacobite, a steam train and 7 carriages
chartered from West Coast Railway Company
carried about 700 competitors along Loch
Treig before climbing 600feet to the start
at Corrour Station on Rannoch Moor.
overnight camp was at Culra, shown to
the left with a fine view of Ben Alder
in the background. This is the image on
back of the event tee/sweat shirt.